This is a quick picture I took with Instagram. :)
Monday, November 26, 2012
oh, Christmas tree!
We put up the Christmas tree on Saturday and finished decorating it AND hanging up the stockings last night. Anna baked gingerbread cake and we had lovely, Christmas music playing in the background. *sigh of deep happiness*

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tonight I am overwhelmed.
After a week of really struggling, being sick again, my ankle still recovering, thus not being able to run still, and several planned things falling through, God really showed Himself to me today in simple, ordinary things.
Aimee and I drove into town together today so I could pick up my car from the shop and so she could go to a doctor's appointment. I dropped her off...
First stop: Starbucks--to see my friend, Emily. She works there ALL the time and when Aimee has appointments near there, I go and grab a drink, see Emily, and read my Bible for a bit. I wasn't planning on getting anything because I was going for coffee later in the day with a friend. Em asked if I wanted a "sample of something"? In my mind sample=small cup. a little amount. way less than a normal beverage. WRONG. Em fixed me a tall peppermint mocha! It was delicious. She's such a dear.
Second stop: The car shop. *groan* Who knows how much it was going to cost me this time. Oil change. check engine light. recall repair. Ayi yie yie. The cashier hands me the receipt with all the repairs. I glance at the total and try not to wince, it's $50 more than my highest estimate. We talk about it a bit and then she says, "Let me check to see if your Owners Advantage program has anything on it still...." She, in shock, turns to me and says, "It is ALL covered. You don't have to pay anything today AND you still will have some left for future repairs!!" *inward sigh of relief*
Third stop: Target. Mom gave me some money and a little list of things we needed--then Charlotte needed a birthday present for dad and Anna wasn't feeling well and asked me to pick up stuff as well. It was a little overwhelming trying to remember everything. I hoped that mom had given me enough for her and Char's things, and then I had a bit of extra cash that could cover Anna's stuff (and hopefully the things I wanted to get for dad.) I got to the cash register and mom & charlotte's things were a little over what mom had given me. *uuhhhh* THEN, I opened my wallet and found a $5 that mom had randomly given me last week for something I did not end up getting! It was perfect! Plus, I had just enough for the things Anna and I BOTH needed! Yay!
Fourth stop: Five Guys. I never get burgers. ever. But I was really craving one today, so I splurged! Because of the way God had provided earlier in the day, I was able to go to lunch with Aimee. We basically never get to go out together! :) *and God has provided the past two weeks for me to do that with her, as well! So cool!*
Fifth stop: Starbucks (on the complete opposite end of town as the other!) My friend, Grace, and I had planned to get coffee together around 2:00 so I could hear the story of her engagement! *yay* Little did we know when planning that it was BOGO drink free from 2-5 pm today! Booya. I was able to get a drink for only $2.00 (we split the price of one) and bring it home to Aimee! ALSO: It was such a peaceful, fun, happy, encouraging conversation that really lifted my spirits. Thanks so much, Grace! :)
**Although these things may seem small, "God is the God of the big and small!:**
Then Hannah G. texted me the verse of the day:
Psalm 8:4
"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that you take thought of him, and the soon of man that you visit him?"

After a week of really struggling, being sick again, my ankle still recovering, thus not being able to run still, and several planned things falling through, God really showed Himself to me today in simple, ordinary things.
Aimee and I drove into town together today so I could pick up my car from the shop and so she could go to a doctor's appointment. I dropped her off...
First stop: Starbucks--to see my friend, Emily. She works there ALL the time and when Aimee has appointments near there, I go and grab a drink, see Emily, and read my Bible for a bit. I wasn't planning on getting anything because I was going for coffee later in the day with a friend. Em asked if I wanted a "sample of something"? In my mind sample=small cup. a little amount. way less than a normal beverage. WRONG. Em fixed me a tall peppermint mocha! It was delicious. She's such a dear.
Second stop: The car shop. *groan* Who knows how much it was going to cost me this time. Oil change. check engine light. recall repair. Ayi yie yie. The cashier hands me the receipt with all the repairs. I glance at the total and try not to wince, it's $50 more than my highest estimate. We talk about it a bit and then she says, "Let me check to see if your Owners Advantage program has anything on it still...." She, in shock, turns to me and says, "It is ALL covered. You don't have to pay anything today AND you still will have some left for future repairs!!" *inward sigh of relief*
Third stop: Target. Mom gave me some money and a little list of things we needed--then Charlotte needed a birthday present for dad and Anna wasn't feeling well and asked me to pick up stuff as well. It was a little overwhelming trying to remember everything. I hoped that mom had given me enough for her and Char's things, and then I had a bit of extra cash that could cover Anna's stuff (and hopefully the things I wanted to get for dad.) I got to the cash register and mom & charlotte's things were a little over what mom had given me. *uuhhhh* THEN, I opened my wallet and found a $5 that mom had randomly given me last week for something I did not end up getting! It was perfect! Plus, I had just enough for the things Anna and I BOTH needed! Yay!
Fourth stop: Five Guys. I never get burgers. ever. But I was really craving one today, so I splurged! Because of the way God had provided earlier in the day, I was able to go to lunch with Aimee. We basically never get to go out together! :) *and God has provided the past two weeks for me to do that with her, as well! So cool!*
Fifth stop: Starbucks (on the complete opposite end of town as the other!) My friend, Grace, and I had planned to get coffee together around 2:00 so I could hear the story of her engagement! *yay* Little did we know when planning that it was BOGO drink free from 2-5 pm today! Booya. I was able to get a drink for only $2.00 (we split the price of one) and bring it home to Aimee! ALSO: It was such a peaceful, fun, happy, encouraging conversation that really lifted my spirits. Thanks so much, Grace! :)
**Although these things may seem small, "God is the God of the big and small!:**
Then Hannah G. texted me the verse of the day:
Psalm 8:4
"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that you take thought of him, and the soon of man that you visit him?"
Monday, November 12, 2012
Visit from friends!

Friday, November 9, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Why I Am Thankful Today
God's ways are so perfect and good. Rarely do I fully understand them--but I know they are good because HE is good. always.
Last night, Anna and I got to see our friends, The Josties! In my time of traveling with The Sky family, I have met the Josties twice. Because they have a wonderfully large family, and our crew was generally 10-13 people, there wasn't much....well....what I would call "quality time" with anyone.
When I found out that The Jost family was going to be near our area (and yes, two hours is close in comparison to what would take 38 hours of driving to get to their home!) I was ecstatic and...hesitant. "What if they don't remember me?" Seriously though, how awkward would it be to run into a concert and try to give them hugs when they didn't remember me? All sorts of "worst case scenarios" filled my head. Some were hilarious!!
Anyways, God made it clear that we were supposed to go! So awesome. A girl I met in that area last year FB messaged me and asked if I wanted to attend the concert and spend the night with them. Yes, please!
Overall, the Lord so blessed our less than 24 hour road trip adventure! We had such a sweet reunion with all the Josties and were thoroughly blessed and encouraged by their music. God used the encouragement or challenges before each song to minister to my heart, and He used conversations afterwards to REALLY encourage me to keep pressing on in Him!
I am so blessed. So thankful.
Today: I am thankful to be home. I am thankful for divine appointments. I am thankful for friends.
What are you thankful for today?

Last night, Anna and I got to see our friends, The Josties! In my time of traveling with The Sky family, I have met the Josties twice. Because they have a wonderfully large family, and our crew was generally 10-13 people, there wasn't much....well....what I would call "quality time" with anyone.
When I found out that The Jost family was going to be near our area (and yes, two hours is close in comparison to what would take 38 hours of driving to get to their home!) I was ecstatic and...hesitant. "What if they don't remember me?" Seriously though, how awkward would it be to run into a concert and try to give them hugs when they didn't remember me? All sorts of "worst case scenarios" filled my head. Some were hilarious!!
Anyways, God made it clear that we were supposed to go! So awesome. A girl I met in that area last year FB messaged me and asked if I wanted to attend the concert and spend the night with them. Yes, please!
Overall, the Lord so blessed our less than 24 hour road trip adventure! We had such a sweet reunion with all the Josties and were thoroughly blessed and encouraged by their music. God used the encouragement or challenges before each song to minister to my heart, and He used conversations afterwards to REALLY encourage me to keep pressing on in Him!
I am so blessed. So thankful.
Our new found *yummy* beverage. |
Ah. There they are. My mind is still kinda in shock that we actually saw them. :) *Sorry it's fuzzy* |
A little less fuzzy! |
Intense concert face on the Right. :) |
Look at all that plaid! |
I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but this made me want to drink more! |
PROOF. BOOM. We finally got together. Thanks so much for opening your home up to us! |
Might I also mention that if I hadn't been home this Fall, this never would have happened!!!!? God knows just what we need, right when we need it. :)
Today: I am thankful to be home. I am thankful for divine appointments. I am thankful for friends.
What are you thankful for today?
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