Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello, 2013. :)

I'm not one to make  New Years resolutions. However, I am a list maker. It's also fun to make some goals and to try to accomplish by the end of this year. On New Years Day, my friend and I wrote down things we would like to do this year on a large salmon colored note card.

Here are a few of mine!

Goals for 2013: 

*Go somewhere I've never been!
*Play the piano more!
*Read the entire Bible (I got my idea for this from Lindsey at Let the Light Shine)
*Exercise 3 to 4 times a week!
*Lead someone to the Lord!
*Learn a new skill!

Also, my word for the year is TRUST. I want to learn to truly TRUST God with all my heart.


  1. YAY!

    I like how you have a word - you are the second person who has said that. Maybe I need a word?

    1. I got the idea from Aimee, actually! Her word for this year is HOPE. It was really cool too because Charlotte got her a pink coffee mug that says "Hope" on it without even knowing! :)

  2. Love the idea of picking a word this is the second time I've heard it....ughhh there are so many words how could I pick one!?? I must though!
    Lovely goals and happy new year~

    1. I actually thought it was a great idea to have a word. Something to pray for. Something to think and dwell on... :)

      Happy New Year to you too!! :)


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